Grateful for Overcoming A Fear

I overcame a long-held fear of going into the deep end of a pool last week.  This fear dates back to my high school days where I almost failed the required swimming class due to being unable to float or swim in the deep end of the pool.  I am not sure how or why it happened, but I passed the class without venturing into deep water.


Last week, due to exacerbated knee pain, I knew it was no longer possible for me to continue walking outside everyday for sixty minutes as part of a 70 Day Fitness Challenge.

I decided to join this challenge after noticing two friends on Facebook, who I had not been in contact with for more than 20 years, that were participating.  As a participant in this challenge: daily, I share on Facebook my Fitbit results:

  • steps, number walked;
  • exercises, other than walking;
  • calories burned;
  • calories eaten;
  • water. number of ounces; and
  • sleep, number of hours.

Twelve days into the program, having met my goal of 8,000 steps a day, I didn’t want to let go of my greatest motivator — number of steps walked.  These steps were continuously recorded on my Fitbit watch; and, I had developed an addiction to looking at my wrist, throughout the day, to track them.

I entered the challenge to strengthen my lower extremities and improve my balance.  If painful knees would prohibit me from accomplishing this, I considered dropping out..

When a fellow challenger heard that I might drop out, she messaged instructions on converting the calories burned in my water aerobic exercises to steps.  I saw a problem with this, when she added, “to gain the best results and, at the same time, protect your knees you should exercise in the deep end of the pool.”

A strong desire to continue meeting my goal of 8,000 steps as well as encouragement from fellow challengers, I overcame the fear of going into the deep end of the pool.

And, this is what I posted to Facebook on Day 13 of the Challenge:

“Began the day with my early morning meditation followed by a 20 minute mindfulness walk through the neighborhood. Of course, I paused to rest and take a couple of photos.

In the afternoon, I stepped outside of my comfort zone, donned a waist floater, and ventured to the deep end of the pool for water aerobics. To allay the fear of my feet not landing on a solid surface, I went to ITunes music and selected one of my favorite R&B albums. For 56 minutes and 17 songs, I shimmied, swayed, jumped, floated, walked, and jogged to the soulful music of Mr. Marvin Gaye. I was in throwback mode enjoying the memories of times spent dancing without effort, to R&B music. Today, in deep water, I moved effortlessly for an entire 56 minutes, pain-free.”

I write this post to express my:

  • thankfulness to the two friends who inspired and encouraged me to participate and, later, stick with this challenge;
  • gratefulness for overcoming the fear of entering the deep end of the pool.

Who knows, maybe I will take swimming lessons next.



Author: SeasonedSistah2

During this final season life, I am going on a journey to define "ME." Opening up and going outside of my comfort zone to redefine ME.. Exploring and pursuing new interests that will lead to personal happiness, serenity, and tranquility. In undertaking this mission, overcoming the FEAR is my greatest challenge. Fear has played a large role in my life, but I overcame the FEAR of breast cancer, chronic pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Sleep Apnea. My new mantra: FEAR has two meanings: "(1) Forget Everything And Run, or (2) Face Everything and Rise. The Choice is Mine." Blogging here I come ready or not!!!

17 thoughts on “Grateful for Overcoming A Fear”

  1. It is such a pleasure reading your blogs. Who else could relay a story about your fear into such a funny post. You should write a book too 🙂


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